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The Gentlemen Recap: Fight Night

The Gentlemen returns to the breakneck pace of earlier episodes and gets surprisingly serious about the human consequences of gangsterism.

Eddie and Susie are running into problems with their distributor on the continent, an arrogant Belgian named Florian de Groot (Kristofer “Tormund Giantsbane” Hivju), who’s demanding more money to deal with tighter import regulations post-Brexit. In the latter category, you have all the new crooks introduced in this pair of episodes: decent but rightfully defensive JP and his powerful home-brewed poitín; garrulous Chucky, who’s so emotional about his work Susie describes him as an artistic type; and the bespectacled Henry Collins, who flips from smooth to sinister with complete believability. Director Eran Creevy and writer Stuart Carolan really killed it on this pair, further cementing The Gentleman ’s status as a crime show worthy of the year’s bumper crop of similar series.

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