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Will the Revolution Start at a Jesse Welles Concert?

The folk singer bringing NPR liberals, Marxists, and Joe Rogan together.

(During one number, an attendee shouted, “Why didn’t you film this one in the woods?”) He has churned out dozens of viral songs pegged to current events that deliver clear-eyed opinions in “a concise and consumable way,” as Jessica, a 25-year-old Long Islander, put it. Welles gets Dylan comparisons all the time owing to his rough-hewn vocal grain, the harmonica propped up around his face like orthodontic headgear, and a young Bob being the average person’s main reference point for wordy folk music with a bent toward social commentary. Nobody mentioned America’s most popular podcast, despite Welles’s songs including many Joe Rogan Experience –core topics: Lyme disease as a government-concocted bioweapon, New Jersey drone sightings, Ozempic skepticism, whistleblower deaths at Boeing.

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