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What locals in SoHa (South Harlesden to you and me) REALLY think of how their neighbourhood is portrayed in BBC's Motherland spin-off

Now Harlesden in north-west London has a new and rather more welcome claim to fame - as the setting for the eagerly awaited new BBC comedy Amandaland.

‘I’m done with W4 [Chiswick] – I’m all about So-Ha,’ the famously snobbish mother of two gushes of the area, which is to the north of Wormwood Scrubs and is renowned as the centre of British reggae music, as the historic home to a number of record labels. Mr Jooste, who moved with his wife to London five years ago from South Africa, added: ‘A lot of professional people are coming here because property is great value for money compared to areas like Acton which have already become posher. In days gone by the area was primarily known for its Irish community and Caribbean culture, but now Brazilian grocers and coffee shops rub alongside Jamaican takeaways, as well as a Portuguese deli, halal supermarkets and a Nigerian restaurant.

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South Harlesden

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