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Werner Herzog Leads Film Accelerator in Spain, Voice Acts in Bong Joon Ho’s Upcoming Animated Feature (EXCLUSIVE)

In an exclusive interview with Variety, German filmmaker Werner Herzog talked about his plans to lead the third edition of Spain’s Film Accelerator.

“In the first minute of the first meeting, I gave them the task to make a film within the frame of ‘fever dreams in the jungle,’” he related, adding that he helped them find locations and provided them with a video file of hundreds of local actors from which to choose. Always keen to pass on what he has learned, he founded his own Rogue Film School where it “teaches you how to pick safety locks and forge documents like shooting permits” and has written a 550-page guide on the tricks of guerilla filmmaking. Herzog is also on the award-winning online education site, MasterClass, where his filmmaking course imparts “six hours of relentless instruction” that encompasses storytelling, cinematography, location scouting, self-financing, documentary interviewing techniques, etc.

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