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Warning for Brits with blackbirds in their garden this winter

Usutu virus, a mosquito-borne virus which can be fatal to blackbirds, was first detected in the UK in 2020 and has been linked to a decline in the number of blackbirds in the UK

If you're spotting fewer blackbirds in your garden this winter, it's time to start doling out some bird treats and reporting any concerns, thanks to a menacing new virus putting our feathered friends at risk. During the cold months, these birds stay put instead of migrating, relying on available food resources to persevere through the barren and frosty winter period. There's plenty you can do to help, starting with keeping your local feathered friends well stocked with seeds and nutsAccording to the Trust, the blackbird population is currently stable, but it has seen periods of decline in the past.

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