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Wanna be like who? Meet the man who ranked every Disney song

When musicologist Robert Komaniecki decided to score the cartoon tunes using complex objective criteria (and some ‘vibes’), he found some startling winners. He shows us his workings

There were some caveats: he included only songs over two minutes long and only those sung in the style of traditional musical theatre, ie by the characters rather than by an absent, omniscient voice (knocking out the likes of Elton John’s Circle of Life). Controversial winner … Mother Knows Best, sung by Donna MurphyBy the time Komaniecki reached the end, some big hitters had fallen: Poor Unfortunate Souls (The Little Mermaid) was sunk by tempo issues, A Whole New World (Aladdin) by leaning too heavily on the piano and Be Prepared (The Lion King) by inconsistent vocal timbres. As a self-confessed lyric-head, he is especially partial to multisyllabic rhymes and double entendres: “Like in Zero to Hero: ‘Bless my soul, Herc was on a roll / Person of the week in ev’ry Greek opinion poll’.

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