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True Detective Recap: Night Country Now

It’s getting more difficult to ignore the supernatural in Night Country.

Meanwhile, Liz gets a Christmas Eve call-out from one of her many nemeses, Kate McKitterick, because Leah tagged the Silver Sky offices with the word “murderers.” It lacks subtlety but, crucially, not accuracy. But Pete, an idiot and a manipulator, accuses Kayla of not wanting Darwin in the first place, which he couches in an infuriating faux self-deprecating comment about how he ruined her life by, you know, safeguarding the future existence of their unborn son. Somewhat implausibly, the Alaska Coast Guard is able to find Julia, ID her body, and inform Navarro before the rehab center — which, to be fair, isn’t a custodial facility — even notices that their newest charge is missing.

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