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Top Chef: Wisconsin Recap: Shaking Things Up

Why if Top Chef making these tweaks to the format? It already works. Just leave it!

Tom and Gail provide a little HGTV lesson in which they talk about Wright’s design style and how the legendary American architect paired somewhat oppositional concepts together (the only real example they give is his low-ceilinged entryways leading into high-ceilinged, wide-open living spaces), and then they lay out a highly conceptual Elimination challenge. The chefs get to pick their partners, which leads to people who were already friendly teaming up (Michelle and Charly; Dan and Amanda; Rasika and Danny) and others joining up because of necessity (Savannah and Laura; Kaleena and Alisha; Manny and Kévin, who delightfully call themselves the “power bottoms” because of their low rankings at the cheese festival). But wouldn’t it have been more useful to provide that tough love through a more comprehensive Judges’ Table that more broadly and honestly assessed the other chefs’ mistakes of the night, too, and that didn’t result in the series so unceremoniously shoving Kaleena and Alisha out the door?

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