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The Wheel of Time Recap: You Can’t Go Home Again

The season officially gets cooking with the introduction of a new evil queen.

I get that the battle with the Black Ajah in the heart of the White Tower is probably the necessary starting point for this segment of the WoT saga, but 15 minutes of characters whose names you only sort of remember shooting digital fingertip fire at each other can be a little off-putting as a welcome back. Note that Gaebril’s presence in the retinue seems to surprise almost everyone who meets him, giving the impression he was probably just some rando who got lucky in love rather than the result of Morgaise forming a strategic romantic alliance with a preexisting power player; maybe this is why he and the relatively down-to-earth Princess Elayne are so comfortable with each other. Siuan has called upon Elayne and Nynaeve to be her “hounds,” rooting out any remaining Black Ajah presence within the White Tower; since Liandrin kidnaped them, sold into slavery, and ultimately aided the Dragon Reborn, the Amyrlin knows she can trust them like no one else.

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