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The Speaker and the Upstart Talk It Out: N/A

It’s Pelosi vs. AOC onstage, and Holland Taylor, as Nancy, gets all the zingers.

In the play N/A, Mario Correa presents a thinly veiled look at the dynamic between Nancy Pelosi (referred to only as “N”) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (“A”) in a series of meetings following A’s surprise defeat of an incumbent Democrat, up through the insurrection. She’s obsessed with her followers on social media, unwilling to compromise her stances for the sake of effective coalition-building, turning the party into a snail eating its own shell for lack of calcium (that slightly awkward analogy is N’s, not mine). There’s plenty to object to on the level of politics: A, for instance, gets no chance to rehash the 2016 election, or make the point that Hillary Clinton’s loss might have been an indication of deeper rot in the center left than anything coming from the progressive corner.

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