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The Real Housewives of Potomac Recap: Passport Hoes

Nneka and Wendy can’t resolve their never-ending fight, but everyone seems committed to having an enjoyable trip to the Dominican Republic.

The Real Housewives of New York framed their big showdown around Jenna Lyons’s event, New Jersey set their stage around the castle in Ireland they visited, Salt Lake City shot for Bermuda but ended up in a barnacle under the sea, and Atlanta did a take on a Jamaican theme on the last reunion I watched. I am glad that both women establish that there is a significant stigma associated in the Nigerian Igbo community with publicly declaring someone a witch and the danger of letting a rumor like that simmer unfounded — it was a low blow that came from an escalation between third parties and has set their relationship off on a sour note. For a second, she declares that her ultimate fuck you to Robyn’s demand will result in her shacking up in the reception and living area for the length of their stay until Ashley graciously concedes and offers to swap sleeping arrangements with Karen so that she can take off her wig in peace.

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