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The friendliest of exes! As Dakota Johnson, 34, and Chris Martin, 47, are 'engaged' - a look at duo's sweet friendship with Gwyneth Paltrow, 51, 10 years after 'conscious uncoupling'

In 2014, Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow sent the showbiz world into overdrive when they announced they were 'consciously uncoupling'.

While Gwyneth, 51, has found love again with Brad Falchuk, with whom she tied the knot in 2018, it was reported on Wednesday that the Coldplay singer, 47, proposed to actress Dakota Johnson, 34, after six years as a couple. The couple then stunned the showbiz world when in March 2014, she announced that they had separated after ten years of marriage, describing the process as 'conscious uncoupling'. In her official announcement, she had her doctor, Habib Sadeghi, and his dentist wife, Sherry Sami, explain conscious uncoupling as 'the ability to understand that every irritation and argument [within a marriage] was a signal to look inside ourselves and identify a negative internal object that needed healing.

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Dakota Johnson

Photo of Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow

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Chris Martin

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