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The Best Video Games of 2024 (So Far)

A dragon-slaying epic, a Hawaiian sojourn with a motley crew, and a time-stricken Persian fortress.

Ichiban Kasuga, possibly the sweetest, most well-meaning former yakuza to grace any piece of fiction (video games or otherwise), doesn’t question each increasingly silly plot twist or insane mini-game, but throws himself into the action with willing, naïve abandon. Sunny Hawaii, a land of blue sea, golden sand, and extreme income inequality, only exaggerates the franchise’s long-held eccentricities, but Ichiban is there, the gamest of guides, marshaling each bonkers moment onto the next. Throw in the ambient multiplayer of the pawn system, one that lets you create a secondary character and download those of your friends’, and you have a clockwork set of mechanics that summon, with bravado, ingenuity, and no shortage of flair, the most highly coveted of interactive experiences: pure adventure.

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