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The BEST Christmas films of all time! IMDb ranks the top 10 most loved festive favourites - so did yours make the list this year?
As much as the festive season is about gift giving, Christmas is like a pair of socks - no one asked for them but they are a guarantee every year.
As the snow falls and the credits roll, The Holdover leaves its audience with a quiet but powerful reminder - sometimes the most profound gifts aren't the ones wrapped under the tree, but they are the bonds made with the people you least expect to. As the Ekdals gather their dining table in the final moments, their laughter echoing through the halls, the film leaves viewers with a sense of hope - that even the shadow of despair, the light of love and art can guide us through. Multiple Gizmos spawn after water is spilt onto the cute animal, and they then convince Bllly (Zach Galligan) to feed them after midnight - unleashing numerous Gremlins and absolute catastrophe within the community.
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