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Take a Seat at The Wedding Banquet
Having trouble keeping the moving parts of this farce (pardon the term) straight?
That’s the plot of the upcoming adaptation of the Taiwanese classic The Wedding Banquet, directed by Fire Island’ s Andrew Ahn, who collaborated on the screenplay with one of the original film’s writers, James Schamus. His Korean grandmother (Youn Yuh-Jung, fresh off an Oscar for Minari) can’t know he’s gay, so he proposes to his friend Lee (Kelly Marie Tran), who wants to have a baby with her girlfriend, Angela (Lily Gladstone). “Even though we can foretell just about everything that will happen in The Wedding Banquet — every plot twist, every screwball complication — we don’t much mind, because the comedy is so brisk and good-natured,” Vulture film critic Bilge Ebiri wrote of the movie.
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