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Suits LA Recap: Buyer’s Remorse
The show wants these characters to seem remarkable and fierce, but we never see any evidence of either.
You’d think that after we had an entire episode of “silly Erica for not knowing a thing about the industry she works in” last week, the writers would be bored, but alas, that is too much to ask; Leah once again saves her uncultured boss’s bum by making her a dossier on her latest client. It has moments of sheer ridiculousness and false stakes that feel conceited and lazy, especially when it starts to get “Hollywood.” Apparently, Suits LA was initially going to follow a group of Hollywood talent agents, and it’s obvious what parts of the plot are a remnant of that original idea and what has been tacked on to make the show more “Suits-esque.” In the end, there is no believable way to counter Ted’s dislike for the man enough to let him be buried with his brother — half his personality is ‘lawyer with Daddy issues — which means we are stuck with a puzzling return to blurring fantasy and reality together in a show that is already in the midst of a raging identity crisis.
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