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Sugar Series-Premiere Recap: Find the Missing

Colin Farrel stars as John Sugar, a film addict and private investigator with a heart of gold, in Apple TV’s latest neo-noir.

We open in Tokyo, where Sugar rescues a yakuza boss’s kidnapped son like James Bond crashing through a Kurosawa film (he even manages to leave with a well-placed Daniel Craig bicep wound and a neat little tear in his Saville Row suit). But listen, I’m coming into this thing with a head full of cinematic clues from which we can draw some usable intel, both in thematic and boots-on-the-ground narrative terms, and ultimately see how Sugar holds up as a pristine piece of neo-noir. As he’s playing it, a guy who loves the seedy noirs of yesteryear while giving mad Clark Kent is a totally buyable and intriguing notion (where it could’ve come off as merely trite or one-note).

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