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Spring into spring! 17 simple, surprising ways to refresh and renew your life

This is the perfect time to make lasting changes – whether embracing exercise, learning a new language, planting seeds or painting your house

Keep it playful, and enjoy what your body can do: if that’s some step-ups on a bench or pull-ups on a tree branch, great, but even if it’s just going a little bit faster when a good song kicks in, the endorphin rush is what you’ll remember the next time it’s wet and windy. The Portuguese composer made his latest release using his arsenal of self-made synthesisers, which speak to each other in a joyful, intricate burble that evokes the unfurling intricacy of the undergrowth and new shoots coming into bloom. Yes, it’s abrasive, malevolent and mistrustful, closer to trap than the rock of her old band, Sonic Youth – but it’s also a staggering creative rebirth for a 70-year-old artist at the peak of her powers: a reminder that new seasons of life are always ours to claim.

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