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Silo Recap: Just Keep Swimming
Juliette and Solo’s plan leads to an eye-catching action sequence and a nerve-shredding twist.
In classic “let me explain the plan in detail to the audience so they’ll know what’s at stake when it inevitably goes awry” fashion, Solo teaches Juliette a little bit about swimming and warns her about the dangers of surfacing too fast and getting the bends. Deputy Hank eventually traces the poisoning to the very person who told them about it in the first place: the level’s head cook, who struck a deal to keep her mother’s supply of medicine coming through the blockade. And using a cache of gunpowder — which they are most definitely not supposed to have — they begin this episode by shooting a rocket up through the middle of the silo that then showers down leaflets, each prodding the upper-level citizens to question why the power stays on in IT whenever Mechanical shuts off the generator.
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