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Saturday Night Live Recap: Kristen Wiig Brings Her Friends

Kristen Wiig leads an all-star cast to this season’s best episode.

So many famous guests dropped by throughout the all-star episode that the current cast got drowned out at times — especially in the lengthy Retirement Party sketch, which featured consecutive spotlight moments for Paul Rudd, Fred Armisen, Will Forte, and Matt Damon. Bowen Yang appears first, with dark Shirley Temple curls and upfront space buns, looking like a monster from Big Mouth, and Rudd later joins him styled like a post-barber Bob Ross, Fred Armisen in ‘80s metal hair, and Will Forte in a Prince Valiant pageboy. Donald Trump’s daffy behavior this week fed Che and Jost layups that they still approached with dunk contest flair; Marcello Hernández and Thompson committed hard to the inspired idea of treating the recent New York earthquake and the coming eclipse as rival professional wrestlers in a stealth nod to Chris Farley’s 1998 turn as El Nino; and what a subtle flex to make the only classic Wiig character to come back in this episode Aunt Linda, who returned last night for the first time since Wiig was a cast member.

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