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Sabrina Carpenter's boyfriend Barry Keoghan, 31, throws her 25th birthday party with cake featuring hilarious Leonardo DiCaprio meme about actor dating younger women

Sabrina Carpenter rang in her 25th birthday with the help of her boyfriend Barry Keoghan and a hilarious meme of Leonardo DiCaprio. The party was held at the DUMBO House in Brooklyn.

Attendee Ice Spice posted an Instagram Story clip showing Sabrina blowing out candles on a birthday cake adorned with a meme of DiCaprio. Attendee Ice Spice posted an Instagram Story clip showing Sabrina blowing out candles on a birthday cake adorned with a meme of DiCaprio Adding a matching Burberry neck wrap, dark sunglasses and white sneakers, the Saltburn star set temperatures soaring in the desert heat.

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Photo of Barry Keoghan

Barry Keoghan

Photo of Sabrina Carpenter

Sabrina Carpenter

Photo of Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio

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