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Morrissey Reflects on Loudon Wainwright III’s Debut Album in New Essay

Morrissey has offered his thoughts on Loudon Wainwright III 1970 self-titled debut in an essay shared on his website.

Morrissey’s essay – published under the title Let Us Now Praise Famous Men – arrives as an 800+ word love letter to Wainwright’s record, complemented with lyrics and personal opinions in regard to its composition and release. By the year 2000, singers are given awards for songs that weren’t worth writing in the first place; Loudon Wainwright missed all of that and stood clear of the three-ringed circus. It wasn’t the case that he followed 1970 with failure, but the scholastic pride of life is caught in a thought-smashing way on this irradiant debut, and like an old hang-dog hound it stays beside me – dolefully looking up occasionally to make sure that I’m still here and I’m still me.

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