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Meet the PR Guru Behind the Curtain of Celebrity Crisis Communications

“Celebrity is a construct.” You’ve probably heard this phrase before, but what does it really mean? Surely, the famous faces seen on movie and TV screens, in athletic competitions, and on stage are…

Emily Reynolds BerghEmily and her team are adept at navigating complex crisis communications, from managing the delicate balance between empathy and apology to the lightning-fast media response time required to skillfully address brewing situations. Part of Emily’s job is attaining buy-in from the celebrities who hire her to ensure that all their brand representation and messaging are not only cohesive and on point, but feel genuine to the individual — to their voice and values. Timeliness: The speed of response often needs to be much faster in celebrity crisi s communications than in other forms of PR due to today’s rapid dissemination of information on social media and the 24/7 news cycle.

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