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Matlock Recap: Sister Acts

The team gets another lucky break, and it results in one of the series’ weaker episodes.

However, the key piece of evidence comes from Matty, who notices that one of the pictures Billy and Sarah were examining from the sorority party is actually a “live photo.” When they watch it for the full second it runs, they can see in the background an image of Zoey’s ID being snuck back into her drawer by … one of the Kennedys! That brief, incredibly fortuitous moment of insight is the most Matty contributes to this case because, for the second week in a row, she’s so distracted by her memories of Ellie and their contentious custody hearing that her head isn’t in the game. This week, Matty intends to use the distraction of an annual office Easter egg hunt — with Alfie as her guest — to sneak into the security monitor station and extract the info she needs from Julian’s ID.

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