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Matlock Recap: Paranoia Will Destroy Ya

The season is racing toward some kind of reckoning, but Matty has to deal with Sarah and Shae’s immediate threats before we get there.

This week’s Matlock is another craftily plotted one, with a big case that thematically reflects the season’s larger arc, coupled with a persistent low-level tension that makes even the lighter moments feel vaguely unsettling. There’s also this: During his conversation with Shae, Edwin learns about her past in marketing, and speculates that the reason she’s risen so fast in the legal profession (despite lacking qualifications) is that she knows secrets about Wellbrexa’s ads. In the end, they reach an unexpected conclusion: Vogel has been surreptitiously relying on his most trusted associate to funnel info to Stratusfy, trapping them into breaking the law so he can sue them out of existence and control the patents — which, again, he plans to share.

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