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Masters of the Air Series-Finale Recap: Many Thanks, Yanks

Rosie gets a firsthand look at Nazi evil, Bucky plays capture the flag, and our boys finally get to go home.

I can’t not notice that after eight weeks of me raging at the sea about how Masters of the Air writer/executive producer John Orloff (joined again here by co-writer Joel Anderson Thompson) has been so stingy about putting datelines in his series compacting two years of the most destructive war in human history into 8.5 hours of television, this supersized 80-minute concluding episode is just lousy with title cards. Another magnificent title card tells us this column of frozen, hungry humanity is on the “Road to Muskau — 48 Miles Southwest of Stalg Luft III” when the Germans order them to make way for a retreating mechanized infantry unit. Over a mournful string arrangement of the series’s theme, we get the expected photographs and paragraphs of text detailing the fates of Harry “Croz” Crosby, Alexander Jefferson, Richard Macon, Robert “Rosie” Rosenthal, Gale “Buck” Cleven, and John “Bucky” Egan.

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