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Love Is Blind Can’t Keep Up With the Discourse

Season eight is stuck in the same superficial relationship to social media it finds so concerning for its participants.

Except then the producers give Taylor her phone, and Daniel has to sit while she scrolls futilely through her Instagram unfollows (on an app she pays to track them) and gradually realizes she made the whole thing up. It is built on a Pre-Cana-esque system of compatibility, and old-school match-testing frameworks do not include detailed questionnaires about the appropriateness of ghosting exes, sliding into DMs, how much online personal disclosure is too much, or the ins and outs of Instagram stalking. Love Is Blind ’s struggle to incorporate this dimension of contemporary partnership ultimately mimics exactly what the series tries to avoid: a one-sided, half-baked argument that lacks the depth necessary to understand who these people are and what’s actually going on.

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