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Leaked photos reveal how sad Married At First Sight bride Katie Johnston spent filming breaks after she was 'brutally abandoned' by groom Tim Gromie

Married At First Sight bride Katie Johnstone was left feeling isolated and alone during filming.

Married At First Sight bride Katie Johnston has been left feeling isolated and alone on the show after her groom Tim Gromie said he was disappointed in his match at their wedding and refused to move in to their shared apartment. A production insider has revealed Katie did everything she could to salvage the situation with Tim, even attempting to build a friendship in hopes they could at least work together to stay in the experiment longer. Married At First Sight bride Katie Johnston spent a lot of time alone during filming for the show after she was brutally rejected by her TV husband Tim Gromie

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Photo of Katie Johnston

Katie Johnston

Photo of Tim Gromie

Tim Gromie

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