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Kendra Wilkinson shares rare photo of son Hank, 14, and daughter Alijah, 10, to celebrate her 39th birthday... after quitting real estate for mental health

Kendra Wilkinson is surrounding herself with family on her 39th birthday. She shared a sweet snap of son Hank Jr., 14,  and daughter Alijah, 10, in celebration of the milestone.

Wilkinson embarked on a new career in the competitive realm of LA luxury real estate, documented in MAX's 'Kendra Sells Hollywood.' Dressed in a chic white shirt and matching pants, the former Playboy Bunny posed with her two children, whom she shares with her ex Hank Baskett , as they enjoyed a sushi night at Nobu Wilkinson embarked on a new career in the competitive realm of LA luxury real estate, documented in MAX's Kendra Sells Hollywood; pictured in a still from the show

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Kendra Wilkinson

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