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Kehlani review – R&B tonic is just what the doctor ordered

The US singer might have needed medical attention and a little audience help to get them through, but the star’s charisma and candid material carried the day

Fresh from three Grammy nominations, a banging 2024 summer hit – After Hours – plus a decade of sultry, sexually fluid songs to back those up, the California R&B singer should be on top of the world. Photograph: Andy Hall/the ObserverTowards the end, there is Ring, Kehlani’s 2018 collaboration with Cardi B, where the attitude of both artists amplified the track’s heady yearning. “My exes want to see me in a padded room,” they sing, vulnerably, “But I think I need nature and a Valium.” Given the public storms they have weathered, it feels like it takes more than a mere fever to give Kehlani pause tonight.

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