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James Blake on How Musicians Can Take Control of Their Careers, Touring and Releasing Music Off the Grid

James Blake is a Grammy-winning musician who felt the traditional music business wasn't working for him. So he took all of his business in-house.

So for them, it made sense to give me a higher royalty rate because they knew they weren’t going to invest a huge amount of money in me, so it was easier for me to recoup [his advance]. What you’re doing actually sounds quite similar to what the majors are talking about as part of “ Streaming 2.0 ”: monetizing superfans by giving them exclusive content and access and perpetuating the old model. Clearly I needed a partner where tickets are sold straight to the fan and I can get feedback directly — what did they think of the show, the venue, the entry process, the ticket-buying experience, all that.

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James Blake

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