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Is That What You Expected? And Other Severance Questions

With this show, sometimes the answers can take you deeper down the rabbit hole than any of the questions ever did.

You can see why he made the choice he did, even beyond the selfish reasons, even beyond “I love the redhead and don’t even really know that other woman.” There are issues of trust at play here that were planted at the beginning of the episode, when Mark’s innie and outie were having that conversation via camcorder that went sideways almost immediately. Then we heard about Kier’s “eternal war against pain” and saw that Gemma’s final test in Cold Harbor involved taking apart the same baby crib from back when she and Mark were struggling to conceive. Cold Harbor didn’t pass the ultimate test, though, which turns out to be “your blood-soaked husband rushes into the room and tells you to come with him.” Gotta refine a lot more macrodata to account for that one.

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