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Industry Heavyweights Aim to Drive Oscar FYC Buzz for ‘We Will Dance Again’ Nova Music Festival Documentary

Marc Platt, Scooter Braun and other industry notables are gathering Oscar FYC support for the Oct. 7 Nova Music Festival docu 'We Will Dance Again.'

Prominent industry insiders are gathering support for Oscar consideration for the documentary “ We Will Dance Again,” which chronicles the horror that unfolded at Israel’s Nova International Music Festival on Oct. 7, 2023. “This film is apolitical – and the authenticity of the 12 survivors – immersing you in events as they unfolded right before your eyes – and that is why so many of Hollywood’s greatest storytellers have voiced their appreciations for having unraveled this tragedy as we honor the memories of the many lives lost,” Zirinsky said. Additional executive producers on “We Will Dance Again” are Emilio Schenker, Michael Peter Schmidt, Ariel Weisbrod, Orly Arbell and Gideon Tadmor for Sipur; Sheldon Lazarus, Ben Winston, Leo Pearlman, Ben Turner and Gabe Turner for Bitachon 365; Dari Shay, Rinat Klein, Haim Slutsky and Dorit Hessel for HSCC; Lucie Kon for BBC Storyville; Arturo Interian and Terence Wrong for See It Now Studios.

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