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He ate breakfast every day beside his late wife's tomb... and told friends his life was over. Then a friendship of 30 years took an unexpected twist - and changed Maurice Saatchi's life...

Eighteen months ago Lord Saatchi, 78, realised he was falling in love, after 12 years of mourning his beloved wife Josephine Hart (inset), with their old friend Lynn Forester de Rothschild (left).

Although they stand at opposite ends of the political divide – she, a Democrat, is close friends with the Clintons; he is a committed Conservative – they both seek to lessen inequality by raising tax thresholds for the poorest. Safeguards are incorporated into the Act; reckless experimentation is outlawed while responsible new medical technology is encouraged: 'The point is to change the law to shift the balance towards innovation and away from complacency and apathy.' He looks back on other manifestations of his loss with affectionate self-indulgence, and when I remind him that he once said he'd hoped – had he died before Josephine – she would live like Dickens' Miss Havisham, perpetually single and mourning her lost love – he smiles ruefully.

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Photo of Maurice Saatchi

Maurice Saatchi