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For All Mankind Season-Finale Recap: Deus Ex Margo and Aleida

FAM finale wraps up the season-long investigation into our pursuit of progress, class struggle, and violence. Oh yeah, also the asteroid heist.

What if mistrust between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. turns the theoretically neutral moon into a literal battlefield in an increasingly hot Cold War, leading Gordo and Tracy Stevens to die preventing a nuclear disaster? When he learns that the missing equipment at Happy Valley has been stolen in aid of a planned asteroid heist, Eli’s indignant howl of “Don’t these people understand, we’re trying to change the world!” isn’t incorrect, but it’s also incomplete. Ayesa’s 8, closely observing events on base and on Ranger and taking their own steps to extend its burn time, are narrowly rescued from being busted thanks to Dev’s speedy Morse code warning.

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