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Every Lady Gaga Album, Ranked: Where Does ‘Mayhem’ Fit In? (Critic’s List)

Lady Gaga's albums ranked: counting down her eight original studio sets and slotting the new 'Mayhem' in where we see it fitting.

The set that made good on the singer-songwriter promise of Joanne(or at least its promotional campaign), the A Star Is Born soundtrack will likely forever be remembered for its totemic Hot 100-topping Bradley Cooper duet “Shallow,” and its Pop Twitter-delighting, Dianne Warren co-penned (?) While it might not match the highest highs of some of her earlier albums — and for plenty of fans, it probably does — Chromatica gives Little Monsters something they hadn’t gotten in at least a decade: A Lady Gaga solo LP that just owns from start to back, making no demands of listeners except to get on the friggin’ floor. The singles that were huge arguably should’ve been even huger, though — and “Marry the Night” deserved far better than the fifth-single pat on the head it received — while the hirsute histrionics of “Hair” could only have been pulled off by an artist with the straight-faced determination to be morphed into a motorcycle on her album cover.

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