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Every Drag Race Rusical, Ranked

Yes, including international seasons.

Its political commentary is limp, and the unearned ending awkwardly reverts to little more than “yay women.” Performances make it bearable: The casting (done by Scarlet Envy) is top-notch, with Nina West as Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Yvie Oddly as Kellyanne Conway being particular standouts. Ginger Minj was great and a worthy winner, but Mrs. Kasha Davis gave one of the greatest Rusical performances ever, obliterating this challenge as a scatting flight attendant who sings about putting up your tray tables. The real reason Madonna: The Unauthorized Rusical is so great, beyond the performances, is that it actually tells a full story, delivering a thoughtful, funny, and insightful exploration of an incredible diva’s career.

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