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Every Conan Without Borders International Special, Ranked

Conan is often at his best when he leaves the country.

While it’s fun watching O’Brien train with a K9 unit, asking if military dogs would attack him if he were holding Cialis and antidepressants, and seeing Obama demand the host give her 50 push-ups, the episode doesn’t hit the same stride as so many of the others do. Conan then ventures solo around Berlin, learning authentic traditional Bavarian folk dancing with two lederhosen-clad brothers and their strict handlebar-mustachioed father, whom O’Brien calls a monster and says was “clearly carved out of a sausage.” If you want to see O’Brien insult gamers at a PC bang (“Your mother does not prepare squid properly”), help a Buddhist monk shovel snow, and star in a psychedelic K-Pop music video with Steven Yeun, then this is the perfect episode for you.It was planned after Conan superfan Sunny Lee sent the host a detailed letter written on her SAT prep form inviting him to visit her country.

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