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Every Bizarrap Session, Ranked

The vibe is El Quinto Escalón meets NPR Tiny Desk.

While Peso Pluma is the most recent face of corridos tumbados, Cano is one of its pioneers, and this song showcases his mastery of the storytelling genre thanks to a bitter sendoff to an ex: “No te sientas la mejor, fuiste una más del montón.” Tiagao even celebrates older Biza sessions, shouting out Lit Killah, who recorded a freestyle in 2019, while folding in a reference to Nathy Peluso’s work with the line “Si no lo tiene natural, yo le pago el plastic.” The refreshing risk for the singer paid off, with the song becoming a global sensation and landing the duo four Guinness World Records, including “Fastest Latin track to reach 100 million views on YouTube.” It also catapulted Shakira into a new era of her career, setting the stage for her latest album, Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran.

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