Rebecca Gibney

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Rebecca Gibney announces major life change to support her 19-year-old son Zac

Rebecca Gibney reveals the one lesson she wishes the younger generation would learn as she enjoys TV comeback in Stan's Prosper

Rebecca Gibney, 59, offers seven pieces of advice she'd give her younger self as she prepares for TV comeback in Stan's Prosper

Rebecca Gibney, 58, opens up about her mental health struggles as a survivor of domestic violence

Rebecca Gibney shares rare insight into the secret behind her private 22 year marriage with husband Richard Bell: 'It's not about the fireworks'

Stan releases highly anticipated trailer for the Stan original series Prosper starring Richard Roxburgh and Rebecca Gibney

First look at Rebecca Gibney and Richard Roxburgh in the upcoming Stan Original Series Prosper

Rebecca Gibney shocks as the beloved actress shares confronting image of black eye following devastating injury