Peppa Pig

Peppa Pig is a British preschool animated television series by Astley Baker Davies. The show follows Peppa, an anthropomorphic female piglet, and her family, as well as her peers portrayed as other animals. The show first aired on 31 May 2004. The seventh season began broadcasting on 5 March 2021. Peppa Pig has been broadcast in over 180 countries. Peppa herself has been voiced by several different performers through the years. Lily Snowden-Fine provided her voice in season one and Cecily Bloom in season two, then Harley Bird, five years old when she started, acquired the role for thirteen years until stepping down after season six. She was replaced by Amelie Bea Smith. John Sparkes, Morwenna Banks, Richard Ridings, Oliver May and Alice May also provide voices. On 31 December 2019, Hasbro acquired Entertainment One, including the Peppa Pig franchise, for a US$3.8 billion deal.

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'Doctor Who' and 'Peppa Pig' actor David Graham has died, aged 99

Peppa Pig and Thunderbirds star David Graham dies aged 99: Tributes are paid to the voice actor behind beloved Grandpa Pig, Daleks and Parker

Doctor Who, Peppa Pig and Thunderbirds voice actor dies: 'His talent brought joy to generations'

Inside Louise Redknapp’s legal battle over ‘stolen’ Peppa Pig song with 'backdated royalties of £1m’

Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom's Peppa Pig debut date REVEALED as the couple team up to voice new characters in wedding-themed special to celebrate iconic cartoon's 20th anniversary

Peppa Pig Earns Her Stripes in Adorable New Cover of Katy Perry’s ‘Roar’: Watch

Inside Carrie and Boris Johnson's Peppa Pig-themed birthday party for daughter Romy

Orlando Bloom teams up with his fiancée Katy Perry to voice a new character in Peppa Pig wedding-themed special to celebrate iconic cartoon's 20th anniversary

Katy Perry to star in Peppa Pig! American Idol judge will voice brand-new character in a wedding-themed special to celebrate iconic cartoon's 20th anniversary

Police officer who shared 'extreme Peppa Pig porn' on WhatsApp gets to keep job

Peppa Pig's Same-Sex Polar Bear Moms Are Causing A Christian Meltdown

Inside Chloe Lewis’ son Beau’s adorable Peppa Pig themed third birthday

Everyone Kanye West Has Had Beef With Over the Years

Kate Ferdinand's son Cree left terrified and in tears by Peppa Pig

Peppa Pig: First same-sex couple for children's show

Peppa Pig Features a Gay Couple for the First Time In Nearly 2-Decade History

Peppa Pig: First same-sex couple for children's show

Peppa Pig Introduces Same-Sex Couple

Quentin Tarantino reveals he's a fan of Peppa Pig

Quentin Tarantino Watches ‘A Lot Of Peppa Pig’ With His Son – Exclusive