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Allison Langdon sports a knee brace while playing with her son Mack, seven, as she continues to struggle three years after her shock hydrofoiling accident

Emmerdale: Charity and Mack finally win over fans as they reunite and vow to make it work

Emmerdale: Charity needs to leave Mack for good after therapy sessions, fans beg

Emmerdale fans baffled as Charity visits Mack in hospital after stabbing in ‘ridiculous’ scenes

Emmerdale spoilers tonight: Mack is awake and defending Charity, but she is struggling

ITV Emmerdale's Charity 'saved by surprise person' after gruesome Mack stabbing

Does Mackenzie die in Emmerdale? Fan predicts exit for Mack after Charity stabbing

Emmerdale spoilers tonight: Charity gravely attacks Mack as her nightmares intensify

ITV Emmerdale fans 'work out' Mack's grisly future as Charity Dingle PTSD plot spirals

Emmerdale spoilers: Charity gravely attacks Mack as her PTSD worsens

Emmerdale: Emma Atkins details how PTSD causes Charity to leave Mack ‘gravely injured’ in attack

Emmerdale fans wrecks over Aaron and Mack’s heartfelt moment: ‘I can’t remember the last time I cried at an episode’

Emmerdale: Mack and Aaron to have an affair, a new fan theory predicts

Emmerdale fans make 7 New Year predictions including a new serial killer and Moira being Mack’s mum

OPINION: Emmerdale is about to make Mack and Aaron likeable again by pairing them up

Emmerdale fans 'work out' Mack and Aaron twist as Cathy and Angel battle over Heath death

Emmerdale fans reckon Heath died after crashing into Mack and Aaron’s car

Emmerdale spoilers: First look at all-new pics as Aaron and Mack steal a car from Cain

Emmerdale airs double exit as Charity and Mack forced to make difficult goodbye

5 spoilers from Emmerdale’s Christmas Day episode tonight including Mack’s fate revealed