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Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor’s Daughter Ella Quotes the Perfect Taylor Swift Lyric After Graduating from Juilliard

Jessica Chastain, 47, proudly shares snaps from her honorary doctorate ceremony at Juilliard: 'Dr. Chastain has a nice ring to it!'

Why This Juilliard Pianist Eats Sticks of Butter as Carnivore TikToker

Why Charles Melton Says Riverdale "Truly Was My Juilliard"

Charles Melton Compares His 'Riverdale' Era to Studying at Juilliard

Charles Melton Looks Back at His Time on 'Riverdale,' Calls the Show 'My Juilliard'

Juilliard’s Prestigious MFA Drama Division Goes Tuition-Free With Major Gifts From Broadway Producers