Celebrity Juice
Celebrity Juice is a British television comedy panel game on ITV2, broadcast since 24 September 2008. The show is written and presented by Leigh Francis in the role of his alter ego Keith Lemon, and its current team captains Laura Whitmore and Emily Atack. The format for the series was first suggested in 2007, after the final series of Leigh Francis' Channel 4 sketch show Bo' Selecta!. ITV approached Francis to create a show featuring his alter-ego Keith Lemon, and after the success of the five-part series Keith Lemon's Very Brilliant World Tour, the channel commissioned Celebrity Juice. The original premise of the show was to see which team knows most about the week's tabloid news stories, although later series focus more on the comedy factor of the participating celebrity guests and games involving them, rather than discussing the week's news. Fearne Cotton and Holly Willoughby were the show's original team captains.