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Elsbeth Recap: The Dumbwaiter Did It

We’re finally back and with two perfect guest stars.

Imagine a contemporary Lady Catherine de Bourgh in a Chanel suit, shouting demands from the balcony of her beautiful fourth-floor apartment and holding a maximally imperious court in her Wedgwood blue living room. Throughout the episode, Elsbeth is working her way towards being a real New Yorker by trying on for size a bunch of things that she thinks are quintessentially New York: amassing a collection of caricatures of herself from artists in Times Square; sampling the latest baked good trend (cragels, a croissant-bagel hybrid: “Genius or folly? They quickly note the unraveling of Joanne Lennox’s story about the whereabouts of her handbag at the crime scene; share murmured concerns about poor Louis, who needs a hug and a lawyer more than anything else; collaborate on their emerging theory of the case; and relish a deep dive into Gloria’s 40 years’ worth of Co-op Board meeting agendas and minutes.

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