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Drive-Away Dolls Is Just Fizzy Enough

Margaret Qualley and Geraldine Viswanathan star in a lesbian road trip comedy that will mostly remind you of better movies.

Joel Coen’s stark 2021 The Tragedy of Macbeth takes place in such an intensely concentrated version of the purgatorial realities so much of the brothers’ work was set in that its characters felt like they were born into their respective dooms without needing to make any choices. The brothers are individuals who are free to pursue their separate creative interests despite the grumblings of entitled film critics, but make a double feature of these titles and you start to feel like they balanced one another out in ways they haven’t yet corrected for. There’s a make-out party involving a college soccer team, a stop by a rural honky-tonk, and an appearance by Matt Damon as a conservative congressman whose terror of being exposed for hypocrisy feels downright nostalgic in our current no-consequences era.

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