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Curb Your Enthusiasm Recap: The Brain and the Balls

A near-perfect homecoming episode sees Larry test his luck.

There’s a concept in Judaism called “B’shert,” which comes from the Yiddish word for “destiny.” It’s mostly referenced at Jewish weddings to assert that the union of Bride and Groom was preordained, even if they met on Hinge. So, at the beginning of the episode, when Larry bumps into Sienna Miller at the airport coming back from Atlanta and she calls it “b’shert,” it can almost be seen as a frame for the ensuing events and an overall thesis of the show. I expect we’ll see more of Miller as the season goes on, as one of the longer-lead threads typical of late-series Curb; will Larry get rid of Irma and save his love life at the expense of her sobriety?

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