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Creed frontman Scott Stapp, 50, splits from wife Jaclyn, 43! Former beauty queen files for divorce for THIRD time after nearly 20 years of marriage

Creed frontman Scott Stapp, 50, and his wife, Jaclyn Stapp, 43, have officially split after the fashion model filed for divorce after nearly 20 years of marriage.

The Creed frontman, 50 - who recently opened up about 'difficult times' after his substance abuse issues and bipolar disorder diagnosis - tied the knot with the former beauty queen back in 2006. Following a psychotic break and being placed on a 5150 psychiatric hold, Scott received treatment at a clinic in Malibu, and has since credited to Jaclyn for assisting him to get the help he needed. During an interview with People earlier in March to promote his new album, Higher Power, Scott opened about family and receiving support from loved ones during his sobriety journey.

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