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Catalan Political Scandal Drama ‘Our Father, Our President’ Scooped by Filmax Ahead of Malaga’s Spanish Screenings (EXCLUSIVE)

'Our Father, Our President' tells the scandalous story of Catalan politician Jordi Pujol, starring Josep M. Pou.

Starring Josep M. Pou (“The Candidate”) as Pujol and Carme Sansa (“El 47”) as his wife Marta Ferrusola, the film portrays the complex legacy of its protagonist, whose confession to tax fraud in 2014 shook Catalonia and sparked debates on the interplay between power, corruption and public image. “This film reflects the brutal shock experienced by Catalan society a few years ago when it was discovered that one of its most well-known politicians was immersed in a case of corruption in which his whole family was implicated,” enthused Filmax Head of International Ivan Díaz. Díaz went on to discuss the film’s other virtues, explaining: “Another thing that makes this project so special is its innovative use of virtual sets, not to mention the outstanding performance by renowned theatre actor Josep Maria Pou in the role of Jordi Pujol.

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