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Broadway Marquees To Dim Quarterly To Widen Scope Of Memorial Honorees; Solo Dimmings For Select Individuals Will Continue

Broadway‘s tradition of dimming marquee lights for departed theater stars and leaders has often drawn criticism over what some in the theater community saw as a process that was both too secretive and too selective. The issue reached a boiling point last fall with the in-rapid-succession deaths of actors Maggie Smith, Gavin Creel, Adrian Bailey […]

The issue reached a boiling point last fall with the in-rapid-succession deaths of actors Maggie Smith, Gavin Creel, Adrian Bailey and Ken Page. Taking place four times a year on the second Tuesday of September, December, March and June, “this solemn and celebratory event will recognize multiple honorees, ensuring that the contributions of Broadway’s most influential artists, creators, and industry professionals are remembered and revered,” the committee said in a statement. “This process doesn’t preclude individual theatre owners having their own tributes at their theaters for employees or artists particularly meaningful to them they wish to recognize.” These exceptions would not then be included in the Broadway In Memoriam evenings.

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